Configuration - ConfigVars.ini
File: SYSTEM_DRIVE:/ProgramData/WinQServer/ConfigVars.ini
Scope: database; servers running multiple databases have additional ConfigVarsX.ini files, one for each database
ConfigVars.ini includes custom definitions of Key symbol for printing templates, record numbering formats for Devices and Calibrations, standard listing formats for calibration certificates, password policies defining requirements for newly created passwords and how overall calibration result is determined.
Record IDs cannot be changed once created so make sure to set numbering formats before adding any new items into the database.
Each variable needs to be defined on a separate line with format VARIABLE_NAME=VALUE. Furthermore, Wildcards and Iterators used in numbering and standards' list formats need to be wrapped between Key symbols as shown under Print Templates section of client app settings. Default key symbol is dollar sign ($). Alternative key symbol may be defined here using key_symbol variable, f.e. "key_symbol=#".
ConfigVars.ini content example:
standards_list_text=$EtalonModel$, $EtalonManufacturer$, SN: $EtalonSerialNumber$ ($CertificateID$, $CertificateDate$)
Calibration and Device numbering formats
Main IDs are assigned to newly created records according to these numbering format definitions. By default, main IDs use primary database record IDs (wildcard "ID") to create a unique ID for each newly created record. Both definitions can be customized by adding characters, calibration numbering formats may use additional wildcards and iterators:
Prints operator's ID number.
prints as "5", "2",...
Prints calibration date with specified "format".
prints as "31-12-2023", "01-01-2024",...
Iterators can be used as an alternative to ID wildcard. Prints a number, starting with 1 and counting up with each new record. "Label" defines how often the counter gets reset to 1 with available options being "daily_label", "weekly_label", "monthly_label" and "yearly_label".
calibration format description
"CAL $DATE[dd-MM-yyyy]$-$ITERATOR[daily_label]$"
creates IDs like "CAL 12-03-2023-1", "CAL 12-03-2023-2", "CAL 13-03-2023-1",...
Standards' list printing format
Include $StandardsList[standards_list_format]$ label into your Calibration print templates to print a list of standards used in the calibration. Multiple standard list formats can be defined to handle specifics of certain template format, for example "standards_list_html" or "standards_list_text". Format definition may include the following wildcards:
Prints standard's make, f.e. "Meatest" or "Keysight.
Prints standard's model number, f.e. "9010" or "3458A".
Prints standard's serial number, f.e. "751461".
Prints calibration certificate number of standard's last calibration, f.e. "CAL3210"
Prints calibration date of standard's last calibration with specified "format", f.e. "20-10-2024"
Text format example
ConfigVars.ini definition
standards_list_text=$EtalonManufacturer$, $EtalonModel$, SN:$EtalonSerialNumber$ (Cert. $CertificateID$ from $CertificateDate$)
Template entry
Standards used:
Standards used:
Meatest, 9010, SN:751461, (Cert. 3210 from 20-10-2024)
METEX, 3850D, SN:GD405459, (Cert. 3177 from 16-8-2024)
HTML example
ConfigVars.ini definition
Template entry
Result (text)
Custom password policy
Default password policy in WQB is for the password to have at least 6 characters. Alternative password policy can be defined using reqular expression such as this one:
password_policy_regex = ((?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])).{8,}$
password_policy_description = Minimum password length is 8 characters. Password has to include both small and capital letters.
Overall calibration result
By default, overall calibration result is PASS only if all test points are PASS too. Adding a line "treat_uncertain_as_pass = true" into ConfigVars.ini will result in calibrations passing even with UNCERTAIN test points or in other words, all calibrations with no FAIL test points will be evaluated as overall PASS.